South East Sector Led Improvement Programme (SESLIP)
The South East Sector Led Improvement Programme (SESLIP) is the name of our Regional Improvement and Innovation Alliance (RIIA). It is a membership group of all single/upper-tier local authorities in the South East that aims to:
- improve outcomes for children and young people across the South East
- establish a culture of honest and constructive dialogue and challenge within and between authorities
- demonstrate the capacity and capability of the sector to achieve a coherent and consistent self-improving system
We believe good children’s services are a product of reflective practice, professional supervision/peer challenge, effective leadership and independent audit.
SESLIP is founded on a Memorandum of Understanding which has been agreed nationally and in the South East. East Sussex County Council acts as the lead authority and currently, Alison Jeffery (DCS, East Sussex), chairs the Programme Steering Group
Additionally, participating authorities have each signed a tailored Memorandum of Understanding to support the SE children’s sector-led improvement programme.
What we do
upports the political and professional leadership and management of local authority children’s services to demonstrate, develop and share good practice. Our programmes support the development of children’s services as learning organisations, focusing on:
- identifying key strands of enquiry
- analysing and comparing operational data about the services
- using evidence to inform decisions, including evidence available from outside the region, where relevant
- using peer challenge and peer review
- building leadership capacity and capability, and
- developing standards of practice through supportive endeavour
We have produced a Regional Improvement Plan which sets out the activities. Its aim is to identify ways in which local authorities in the South East can support each other to improve and look at how collective action can help address systemic issues within the region.
Featured News and Updates
Four things about the UK care system
On 21 August Action for Children published Four things you need to know about the UK care system
Struggling against the tide,: children's service spending 2022-2023
On 3 September Children at the Table published Struggling against the tide: children’s services spending 2022-2023
Ofsted intend to scrap one-word judgements
On 3 September Ofsted published a detailed response to its ‘Big Listen’ consultation, setting out how the inspectorate will reset its relationship with the sectors it inspects and regulates, while continuing to raise standards for children and learners.
Ofsted have not yet published a timetable for these changes
Upcoming Events
Commissioners Network meeting
Network members please contact Chris Baird for a meeting link
MS Teams
20 September 2024
14:30 - 16:00 -
"It takes a village" - 10th annual NNDHP Conference
This is the 10th Annual NNDHP Conference and to celebrate, we are inviting safeguarding colleagues from Health, Social Care, Education and Police to join us to exemplify that it takes a village to bring up a child.
A program of top class multi-agency speakers is under development with specialists from police, education and neuroscience already confirmed.
So don't delay, book today!
Doors will open at 9 am for a 10 am start.
Aston Villa Football Club, Villa Park, Birmingham B6 6HE, UK
24 September 2024
10:00 - 16:00 -
SE19 Strategic Leads
Contact for information.
MS Teams
25 September 2024
12:00 - 14:00 -
AD Education Network
Contact for a link
MS Teams
27 September 2024
10:00 - 12:00
Our Partners
The Association of Directors of Children’s Services Ltd (ADCS) is the national leadership association in England for statutory directors of children’s services and their senior management teams.
The LGA is a politically-led, cross-party organisation that works on behalf of councils to ensure local government has a strong, credible voice with national government.
Solace (Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers) is the representative body for senior strategic managers working in the public sector.
The purpose of this website
The primary purpose of this website is to provide information and updates on the programme to staff of the 19 contributing authorities and to make this accessible to anyone who does business with them or an interest in improving Children’s Services.
The ‘latest news’ page gives a snapshot of current activity and is updated weekly.
Contact details for people leading the initiatives on behalf of the SESLIP are provided on the relevant pages or you can contact the Programme Manager, Richard Tyndall: 07880 787007