Ofsted Visit Analysis – Page 2

All the data on these pages have been produced by SESLIP analysis of information published at Ofsted’s report pages, which involves manual data transfer and is therefore subject to errors and omissions. If you spot anything that looks wrong, please contact Richard Tyndall.

A teacher sitting on the floor, playing a game with young students in an informal classroom setting

The time it takes for Ofsted to publish a report from the start of the inspection

Table 2: Elapsed time in days from start of a visit to publication of report by type of visit as at 17/10/2024 

Time in daysMaximum80th centileAverageMinimum
All Focus1054536.023
All Monitor983834.420
ILACS short1566151.722
ILACS long1376555.937
All SIF2258679.349

Chart 1: Waiting times for report publication by type of Ofsted visit: all published reports since start of SIF inspection 

All the data on these pages have been produced by SESLIP analysis of information published at Ofsted’s report pages, which involves manual data transfer and is therefore subject to errors and omissions. If you spot anything that looks wrong, please contact Richard Tyndall 07880-787007