If you would like to know more about the Programme, click on the main section icons shown above.
At SESLIP we are always on the look-out for good ideas that might be better implemented regionally rather than locally. If you have any suggestions, please contact Richard Tyndall, SESLI Programme Manager (details below).
Our Regional Improvement Plan for 2022-2023 (July 2022) can be found here
If you would like to work for the programme, ESCC has advertised the SESLIP Freelance Consultant Approved List. Please address all enquiries about this opportunity to Richard Tyndall (contact details below)
UPDATE NO 534 02 December 2022
Reminders from previous weeks
Tools & Templates
We have produced a Regional Improvement Plan (July 2022) which will underpin activities while we await publication of the DfE’s reponse to the McAllister Care Review, which is anticipated in Autumn 2022
On 30 November The Staff College published Just Fair – Leading in Colour
On 28 November NESTA published Mapping early years practice
On 24 November SESLIP published Inside Out Final Report
On 17 November DfE published Education and training statistics for the UK 2022 and Children looked after in England including adoptions
On 16 November SEND legal advice charity IPSEA and the Howard League for Penal Reform published a briefing paper Education inside penal detention for children in England
On 14 November Ofsted published Best start in life: a research review for early years
On 10 November, Agenda Alliance published Girls Speak: Pushed Out Left Out, final report
On 10 November Julie McCulloch, ASCL Director of Policy published a blog The ‘Messy Middle Tier’: Parts 1 and 2
On 9 November Ofsted published Terms of reference: thematic review of careers guidance. The review will be published in autumn 2023.
On 2 November ADCS published a thematic report on Mental Health alongside an interim report of the eighth iteration of its Safeguarding Pressures research
On 27 October DfE published Characteristics of children in need 2022
On 26 October the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel published a report investigating allegations of abuse at residential homes for disabled children
On 20 October the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse published its final report
On 20 October DfE published Academic Year 2021/22 Key Stage 4 performance data
On 18 October DfE updated its Guidance on our intervention work with local authorities as part of its published advice on creating sustainable high needs systems
On 12 October Alyssa Alcorn of the University of Edinburgh gave a presentation about learning about neurodiveristy at school (LEANS) to the SE19 Joint SEND Strategic Conversation
On 12 October DfE published Seven features of practice and seven outcomes.
On 7 October DfE published new guidance on Schools Causing Concern
On 7 October, ASCEL, Libraries Connected and LGA published a Library Rhyme Time Chart
On 6 October the DfE and OHID launched a home learning environment (HLE) campaign
On 6 October Anna Freud Centre published The Evidence Base for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Interventions with Children Under 5 Years of Age and Their Caregivers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
On 30 September What Works for Children’s Social Care published a systematic review of Safeguarding practice for young people and adults who experienced child sexual exploitation.
On 29 September the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel published two papers: The management of bruising in non-mobile infants and Multi-agency safeguarding and domestic abuse