Update no 613 14th June 2024

If you have any news that you would like included in our Friday Update, please contact Richard Tyndall (details below)

Three children playing happily together


Councils cannot refuse responsibility for lone migrant children

On 5 June Mr Justice Chamberlain published his final decision in the long running JR case involving ECPAT UK, Kent, Brighton and Hove, the Home Secretary and the Education Secratary. Neutral Citation Number: [2024] EWHC 1353 (Admin).

Local authorities cannot legally refuse responsibility for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children arriving in their area on the grounds that they cannot safely accommodate them, a High Court judge has ruled.

It marks the fourth judgment in this case.


Following a previous order by the court for the Home Office and Kent to submit an action plan setting out what they will each do to ensure the situation does not arise again, the most recent decision also addressed remaining conflicts between the two defendants.

This includes defining the action required by the Home Secretary when the final “trigger point” is reached where the council feels it cannot safely accommodate more asylum-seeking children.

The judge highlighted that “personal engagement by ministers may not be enough on its own” to resolve this circumstance.

He said he was “encouraged” to see that the plan includes emergency funding for Kent to support greater numbers of unaccompanied children – the council was handed £9.75mn last year to support greater numbers of migrant children following a previous hearing of the care.

The most recent decision notes the need for both parties to “keep the plan under constant review because of their joint responsibility”.

Previous judgments found both the government’s management of its national dispersal scheme for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children – the National Transfer Scheme (NTS) – and the practice of housing unaccompanied lone children in hotels as “unlawful”.

SESLIP Regional Improvement Plan 2024-2025

On 10 June the SESLIP Steering Group approved the Regional Improvement Plan for 2024-2025

£700,000 plan approved

The SESLI programme, worth nearly £700,000 this year, has been approved. The plan supports 12 regional networks and 5 specific projects.

It covers the last year of a three-year funding plan provided the DfE.

We anticipate resuming discussions with DfE about future improvement funding after July 4!

Schools, pupils and their characteristics 2023-2024

On 6 June DfE published Schools, pupila nd their characteristics 2023-2024


The number of pupils in schools in England has increased

Free school meal eligibility continues to increase

1.6 million infant pupils were recorded as taking a free school meal on census day

The average class size for infant pupils (reception, year 1 and year 2) remains stable

Education, health and care plans 2024

On 13 June DfE published Education and Health Care Plans 2024


The total number of Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans has continued to increase

The number of new EHC plans issued in the calendar year has continued to increase

The number of initial requests for an EHC plan in the calendar year has continued to increase

The proportion of new plans issued within 20 weeks has increased 

Reminders From Previous Weeks


Future dates for network meetings

Network dates:

Lead Members Group: next meeting Friday 26 July 10am. More from Deborah Glassbrook (contact details below)

Adoption Leadership Board: 2:00-3:30 Wedenesday 17 July 2024. More from Rebecca Eligon (contact details below)

AD Education: 10:00am Friday 21 June 2024. More from Chris Owen (contact details below)

Principal Social Workers: More from Mark Evans (contact details below)

Kinship Care Network: 2:00-3:30 Tuesday 16 July. More from Rebecca Eligon (contact details below) Conference Save the Date 8 July 2024

Commissioners’ Network: 1pm Friday 19 July via Teams. More from Chris Baird (contact details below)

Network dates:

AD Safeguarding: Friday 6 September. More from Mark Evans (contact details below)

QA Network: Tuesday 25 June 2024. More from Kevin Kasaven (contact details below)

Fostering Network: 10:00-11:30 Thursday 12 September. More from Rebecca Eligon (contact details below)

Data Benchmarking: 10:00am Thursday 20 June.. SEND Data Benchmarking Thursday 9 May 10am. More from Luke Ede (contact details below)

SEND SE19: More from Sheelagh Sullivan (contact details below)

Early Help: 10:30-12:00 Monday 17 June. More from Rebecca Eligon (contact details below)

Children’s experiences as victims of crime

On 24 May the Childrens’ Commissioner published Children’s experiences as victims of crime


The research draws upon interviews with children who have experienced sexual harm, an analysis of transcripts of police interviews and data from police forces across England.

Findings include a lack of awareness amongst children about their statutory rights in the Victims’ Code and issues around the conduct of some police interviews, including the use of inappropriate and victim-blaming language.

The Commissioner is calling for guidance for professionals to help children and young people access their rights under the Victims’ Code.

Open call for evidence: safeguarding children in schools and colleges

On 28 March DfE published an open call for evidence on safeguarding children in schools and colleges

Closes 20 June 2024

The call for evidence relates to take the views of schools, colleges, and other professionals on safeguarding practice development and direction, in advance of keeping children safe in education (KCSIE) 2025.

We are seeking your views on:

  • the role of designated safeguarding leads
  • child safeguarding information
  • safer staff recruitment
  • filtering and monitoring
  • supporting children following reports of sexual violence and harassment
  • protecting children in boarding and residential special schools
  • quality assuring safeguarding
  • children bringing their own devices to schools
  • artificial intelligence

Strengthening protections in unregistered alternative provision

On 9 May DfE launched a consultation on proposals to strengthen protections for children in unregistered alternative provision settings.

Closing date is Friday 5 July

Consultation closes Friday 5 July

This consultation is the next step in delivering on the government’s commitment to improving experiences and outcomes for children in unregistered alternative provision and builds on the findings from our previous Call for Evidence “Understanding the Use of Unregistered Alternative Provision”, the findings of which have helped shape this consultation.

DfE is seeking views on proposals which position unregistered alternative provision as an intervention, not a destination, to complement education in school.

We propose that all unregistered alternative provision will be subject to new proportionate quality assurance frameworks, underpinned by national standards.

Upskill yourself in Data Analytics

Data 2 Insight is promoting another cohort of the Children’s Services Data Analyst L4 apprenticeship, delivered by Corndel.

D2I hope that by providing more notice, and a longer application period, they can avoid the rush that some colleagues have had to prepare an application, and work around any summer absences which may be a factor. You can email georgina.pym@eastsussex.gov.uk if you’d like to register for either briefing session right now.

Applications open Friday 5 July

Applications open: 5 July 2024

Briefing session for potential applicants and/or managers: 11 July 2024

Briefing session for potential applicants and/or managers: 18 July 2024

Applications close: 13 September 2024

Learning commences: 31 October 2024

SESLIP Kinship Care Conference – booking now open

SESLIP Kinship Care Conference Monday 8 July, Reigate

Book your place here

Save the Date – Monday 8 July 2024

We would love you and colleagues to come to our first in-person regional conference on Kinship Care.

 The speakers are now all confirmed and the eventbrite is open for registration for our regional kinship care conference, the first event to be held in person. You need to secure your ticket via eventbrite to guarantee entry.  

Click to sign up here: South East regional kinship care conference Tickets, Mon 8 Jul 2024 at 09:00 | Eventbrite

Please forward to colleagues who may be interested in attending. For further information contact rebeccaeligon@gmail.com

Tools & Templates

We have produced a Regional Improvement Plan (June 2024)

On 13 June DfE published Education and Health Care Plans 2024

On 6 June DfE published Schools, pupils and their characteristics 2023-2024

On 5 June Mr Justice Chamberlain published his final decision in the long running JR case involving ECPAT UK, Kent, Brighton and Hove and the Home Secretary and the Education Secratary. Neutral Citation Number: [2024] EWHC 1353 (Admin).On 24 May the Childrens’ Commissioner published Children’s experiences as victims of crime

On 21 May Data 2 Insight published Children’s Social Care for Data People, an overview of the system, stakeholders, common local practice, and necessary
knowledge for data professionals working in Children’s Social Care

On 15 May the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel published Safeguarding Children in Elective Home Education

On 13 May DfE published Agency child and family social workers: data return and price caps

On 10 May the Children’s Commissioner published An Alternative Route: Post-16 support for young people attending Alternative Provision

On 9 May DfE launched a consultation on proposals to strengthen protections for children in unregistered alternative provision settings. Closing date is Friday 5 July

On 25 April the House of Commons Education Select Committee published the government’s response on Ofsted’s work with schools

On 18 April the DfE published 2022-2023 data on suspensions and permanent exclusions from schools in England

On 21 March DfE published School Capacity Data for 2022-2023

On 21 March DfE published pupil absence data for 2022-2023

On 21 March DfE published four new safety valve agreement

On 19 March LGA published Must Know: The role of a council leader in imporoving outcomes for children

On 7 March DfE published Maintained Schools Governance Guide and Academy Trust Governance Guide

On 5 March the Childrens’ Commissioner published Children on child in need plans

On 29 February DfE published annual data for Children’s social work workforce 2022-2023

On 29 February Ofsted published Social care common inspection framework (SCCIF): supported accommodation for looked after children and care leavers aged 16 and 17. Ofsted also published a report on the responses to the consultation on our inspection proposals

On 29 February the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse published Child sexual abuse in 2022/23: Trends in official data

On 20 February the Children’s Commissioner published Lost in transition? The destinations of children
who leave the state education system

On 20 February LGC released a podcast: The crisis in children’s services with Louise Gittins, Josh MacAlister, and Andy Smith

On 6 February UKSIC published Inspiring change? making a difference, managung influence and navigating change online

On 1 February Ofsted and CQC published Alternative provision in local areas in England: a thematic review

On 31 January DfE opened its consultation on Agency Rules for Local Authority Children’s Social Care

On 31 January DfE published Generative AI in education: Educator and expert views

Contact Details

SESLIP Consultant; Commissioners’ Network, SEND Courageous Conversations: Chris Baird (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07855 492010

Education Network: Chris Owen (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07825 862330

NHS (SE) Clinical lead for CYP mental health: Cindy Mukombegumi (NHS England (South East))


SESLIP Education Data Group Lead: Daryl Perilli (Brighton and Hove)


SESLIP Consultant and LGA SEND Improvement Adviser: Deborah Glassbrook (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07882 158959

The Staff College Assistant Operations Manager: Ellie Bevis (The Staff College)


0161 729 1065

LGA Children’s Improvement Adviser: Helen Watson (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07810 011892

SESLIP Consultant: Isabelle Gregory (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07931 586784

Director of Children’s Countywide Services and convenor of QA network for SESLIP: Kevin Kasaven (Kent)


South East Grid for Learning – Consortium Manager: Krista Pickering (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07872 014083

Data Benchmarking: Luke Ede (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07925 148597

CSC Workforce, PSW and AD Safeguarding Network Lead: Mark Evans (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07803 147072

Regional Strategic Lead LA Fostering South East: Natasha Sampson (Local Authority Fostering South East)


07919 217185

LGA Corporate Improvement Adviser: Philip (Phil) Simpkins (LGA)


Adoption; Fostering; Kinship and Early Help Regional Networks: Rebecca Eligon (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07944 996219

SESLI Programme Manager: Richard Tyndall (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)


07880 787007

S.E. Region SEND Network Programme Co-ordinator: Sheelagh Sullivan (South East Sector-Led Improvement Programme)
