Ofsted Visit Analysis – Page 6

All the data on these pages have been produced by SESLIP analysis of information published at Ofsted’s report pages, which involves manual data transfer and is therefore subject to errors and omissions. If you spot anything that looks wrong, please contact Richard Tyndall.

Students sitting in a classroom with hands up for the teacher, one student is smiling at the camera

Points per day for each SE Authority from date of SLAC and SIF1 inspections to date

Methodology: Outstanding = 4 points; Good = 3 points; Requires Improvement/Adequate = 2 points; Inadequate = 1 point

Points awarded at that grade for each calendar day since the start of the relevant inspection, and averaged to a “per-day” score. The score incorporates changes in grade at LACPI (where inspected), SIF1, SIF2 (where inspected), ILACS1 and ILACS2 (where inspected). Closed authorities included up to date of closure. New authorities that are not yet inspected have no points awarded.

Table 6.1: Points per day for each SE Authority from date of SLAC inspection to 17/10/2024

Table 6.2: Points per day for each SE Authority from date of SIF1 inspection to 17/10/2024

The national average is 2.380, i.e. better than Requires Improvement, but not much better.

The national average is 2.415, i.e. better than Requires Improvement, but not much better.

Since SLAC100 = national
National rank
out of 156*
Latest Grade
East Sussex142.16Good
Bracknell Forest133.313Outstanding
Brighton & Hove105.162Outstanding
West Berkshire101.869Good
Windsor and Maidenhead99.773Good
Isle of Wight96.083Good
Wokingham83.8113=Requires Improvement
Milton Keynes83.8113=Requires Improvement
Reading72.9134Requires Improvement
Buckinghamshire71.8139Requires Improvement
Surrey62.3149Requires Improvement
Slough59.7150Requires Improvement
West Sussex56.8151Requires Improvement
*Includes closed authorities, does not include new authorities not yet inspected
Since SIF1100 = national
National rank
out of 156*
Latest grade
East Sussex144.616Good
Bracknell Forest136.821Outstanding
Brighton & Hove112.444Outstanding
Isle of Wight106.857Good
West Berkshire105.164Good
Windsor & Maidenhead103.065Good
Wokingham82.696=Requires Improvement
Milton Keynes82.696=Requires Improvement
Reading66.3142Requires Improvement
West Sussex64.0145Requires Improvement
Slough63.0146Requires Improvement
Buckinghamshire52.7150Requires Improvement
Surrey52.6151Requires Improvement
*Includes closed authorities, does not include new authorities not yet inspected

All the data on these pages have been produced by SESLIP analysis of information published at Ofsted’s report pages, which involves manual data transfer and is therefore subject to errors and omissions. If you spot anything that looks wrong, please contact Richard Tyndall 07880-787007